What to Expect During Your Customized Experience

Before Your Session
Inquire About A Session
There are many ways to let me know you are interested in a session.  You can send me an email, fill out a contact form on this webpage, text/call me, or grab me in person and let me know!  
Session Questionnaire
Once I find out you are interested in booking a session, or find out more, I will send you a questionnaire.  This will help me prepare for our time together during the Session Consultation, and your session too!  You can provide as much or as little information as you want, but the more you can give me will allow me to provide a better custom experience for you.  If I know more about the participants, the more I can put them at ease and get better images because I can relate to them better.
Session Consultation - Recommended at the Time of Booking
When I receive your inquiry, I will also send you a link to schedule an appointment to discuss the potential session that is convenient for you.  We can do FaceTime, Google Meet, Zoom, or Skype.  I prefer to meet face to face so that we can get to know each other and you can feel more comfortable and familiar with me on your session day since we are not meeting for the first time.  Don't worry, you are not locked into a session until you have signed your contract and paid a retainer, so contact me and ask your questions without pressure!  You can back out at any time with no questions asked.  Some of the potential things we can discuss are:
➤ Session Type.  We will discuss the factors that help to choose the best session length, and possibly Image Collection, for your goals.  Do you have a budget in mind?  How much of a priority is it for you?  How many people are participating?  How many groupings of people do you want to capture?  What ages, physical disabilities, personalities, and other special considerations should be accounted for when planning the length of the session?  Do you have a session length in mind?  If this seems overwhelming, don't be!  I am on your side and here to help.  People are often surprised with how much I can achieve in a short amount of time.  If I know what you are looking for, I can help you decide and feel confident in your choice!
➤ Location.  Is there a certain "feel" you are going for?  Urban?  Mountainview?  Farm?  Orchard?  Forest?  Waterview?  Are there any interests in this season of life that we can represent with a location?  Is there a place that is special to you or your family?  If you don't have an idea, that is okay... I can suggest a great place for you!
➤ Style.  Knowing your style will help me recommend an appropriate location and it will inform me how I should pose you and how to use light.  This is best to know at the beginning of the process.  The main styles I use are "Light and Airy" which has a bright, almost pastel look.  My "Bold and Beautiful" is rich in color.  I also offer "Dark and Dramatic" which has rich colors and darker shadows.  I cannot control outfit choices, weather, or the sun, which will impact the overall look, but knowing your preferences ahead of time can help me plan the best time of day for your session, the right equipment to use, and which locations would be the best bet to achieve your goals.
Image Usage.  Do you know where you are planning to use your images?  Canvas?  Large prints? Cards? An album? Memory box with 5x7s?  Digitals?  Social media?  The options are limitless!  Knowing how you want to use your images will help with styling outfits, composition, and location choices so you can walk away with a beautifully thought-out project.  Another thing to consider is the decor colors of where you will be displaying them.
➤ Outfits. Do you have an idea of what you want to wear?  We can talk generalities and I am happy to plan more with you by setting up a consultation up to a week before your session.  We can talk about colors and outfit types.  I am happy to do a video chat to see your ideas for outfits and accessories and give you kind and honest feedback... just like a best friend for the afternoon. Just so you know, my opinion will be on the more modest, yet flattering side along with the experience of many sessions, I have a good idea of what works and when other options may be better.
➤ Likes + Personalities. Knowing this will help get genuine expressions!  I don't have the best memory, but I try to remember names and it helps people warm up when I can talk about the things they like and are interested in.  I love learning how people are different!  It also helps me know how to interact when I know about special considerations.  I have children with anxiety, autism, ADHD, and more.  I get it and it helps me to know these things ahead of time, along with any tips you may have on the best way to relate.  Everyone is unique and I want everyone to have a customized experience and to feel as comfortable as possible.
➤ Involvement. Is this a busy season for you and you don't have time for one more thing on your plate?  Are you creative and want to be involved?  Or are you somewhere in between?  All are fine!  You just let me know and I will take it from there.  
Outfit Consultation - Recommended One Week Before Session
I am always available for advice on outfits.  Glean from my experience so you can enjoy how you look in your images.  I would be happy to do a video chat to make recommendations and you can even model the outfit if you want.  Since not much can be done on the day of your session, by planning together a week out, we can make adjustments so you are happier with the results!  It also helps me if I know of any insecurities to help with outfit planning and posing.  There is no need to be embarrassed if that is your tendency.  I care about you and I want you to be happy!
I hope and pray you are confident in who you are as a person created in the image of God, unique and special.  We all have seasons in which we might not feel as confident or as comfortable as we perceive others to be.  I get it!  I am here to love and support you as you are now, not as the world standard or even how you may see yourself.  At Remembering Stones Photography, we are remembering and embracing this moment in time as we are and remembering what God has done, is doing, and will do!
Preparing For Your Session
There are several things you can do to make your session experience even better.  Remember, it is always best to make all of your preparations ahead of time whenever possible.  Feeling rushed or frantic the day of will not help you get the pictures you want!
➤ Prepare Outfits, Props, and Accessories.  It is best not to wait until the day of your session to gather everything.  Make sure outfits are clean, without stain, and wrinkle-free.  This type of editing is possible, but it is an extra charge per image.  It is better for all involved to have outfits and accessories prepared and props gathered and ready to go the day before your session.
➤ Snacks and Rewards. This will vary based on the age or development level of the participants as well as the conditions expected for the day of your session.  Water is always a good idea!  Some are encouraged to participate better during the session when there is a reward they can earn.  I am happy to reward people by taking a special picture just for them.  Please let me know what would be special and what I should avoid.  It can be a favorite item like a hat, silly expression, action... anything!  You can also bring something like fruit or a piece of candy.  You don't have to tell them if you choose to provide a reward!  However, if you can let me know before the session, I will use that information to YOUR advantage and encourage cooperation and better pictures.
➤ Attitudes.  If there was one thing I could advise, it is to be early and unrushed.  The best chance for success is when everyone is relaxed.  I have learned over the years that when we try to control attitudes, bark directions, threaten, or become stressed when others are not meeting our expectations, it will greatly impact a session's results beyond my control.  I will always do the best I can!  If there is anything you can do to help foster a positive environment beforehand, it will greatly impact your images.  Be assured, I have no problem correcting and directing kindly but firmly as needed during a session.  I prefer you take this time to relax and be present.  If you can follow my lead, and not worry about children, I will have a better chance of capturing you looking good in your images instead of looking down and speaking to the kids.
After Your Session
Preview Gallery
You will receive a preview gallery of your images according to your preferences provided on the Session Questionnaire.  I can show you all the viable options, provide only the best of the best, or somewhere in between.  These images will not be your final images.  I will adjust the exposure, and a few other basic adjustments, and all images will be watermarked.  I recommend you initially go through and ❤️ the pictures that you love or that invoke an emotional response.  After you do, you can go to your favorites list, create a new list called "Chosen Images," and add images from your favorites to help reduce your final count.  You can also use lists in other ways to help organize the pictures.  When you are done, click "Alert Photographer" at the top of your favorites list. You will have a place to send me comments as well. Remember, if it is difficult to decide, I offer a free consultation to help you narrow down and reach your final gallery count goals.
Image Collection
This is when you will select and pay for your Image Collection if you have not already prepaid for one.  If you prepaid for one, but want additional images, it is no problem!  You will receive credit for what you have invested and I will give you the best rate available for the total number of images you want for this session. I will send you a new invoice with the adjustments. You will only be responsible for the difference.  Contact me right away if you have any questions!  I have your back!!!  I will begin editing once your Photo Collection is paid in full.
Quick Return Images
You can pick up to three (3) images for a quick return within 72 hours.  I know how exciting it can be when you get new pictures and want to share them!  This is a great opportunity to give me feedback on the editing style before I finish editing your whole Image Collection.  Please note that the quick return images may receive more adjustments as I complete a final check for consistency throughout your gallery.  
Final Gallery
I will return your final gallery within two (2) to six (6) weeks, depending on the size of your Image Collection.  Details of the Image Collections are provided on the Pricing Page. You will have seven (7) days to make any editing requests.  Not all requests will be possible or included with the cost of an Image Collection.  Please make your requests and I will see what I can do!
Customized App
You are welcome to request an app of your memories that I will add images to each time we do a session together.  This service is free so if I didn't send you the link, please email me and I will send it to you within 24 hours!
Print Credits and Future Store Purchases
Your print credits are valid for fourteen (14) days from the day your Finally Gallery was sent to you.  I will send you a reminder email to help you remember.  You may place additional orders anytime.  I want you to have these memories always! 
Print Release
Because I will always put my clients first, I offer all clients a print release.  If you do not see it on your client portal after I send you your final gallery, please email me and I will send it to you within twenty-four (24) hours.  Please remember that I cannot guarantee your images if you print them elsewhere.  My computer monitor is calibrated to my professional print lab to ensure quality and is therefore guaranteed.
Purchasing Additional Images Later
I have had clients request images long after their session and the final gallery has been delivered.  I always want you to be able to treasure these special memories!  You can purchase additional images from your preview gallery at any time.  I am very protective of your pictures and do my best with a comprehensive backup system. I archive your files after a year and will do what I can if you want more images later.  Email me and I will see what I can do!
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